Wednesday 30 May 2012

My New Blog!

If you haven't already, follow my new (well, 2 months ago new) blog:

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Good-bye- Haiku

 This poem has little to do with traveling, but still wanted to post it for many reasons.


We fight for most things
We're like brother and sister.
I will see you soon.

Leaving next week now
I'll see you in September
For seven more months.

Although we fight lots
I do not hate you too much
Have a nice trip back.

Falling- Haiku

I'm about to end my trip and go back home for awhile. My last adventure for now, took me underneath a water fall on a jungle cruise!!

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Cruising The Ocean- Free Verse

I got to go on a cruise recently and it was really exciting!!
*If you have trouble reading it, click on the picture to make it larger*

The Big, Blue Book- Free Verse

This is the story of how I began wanting to travel.

It all started with that
Big, blue book
I had gotten as a present.
It had so many things to discover inside,
Every page turn a new adventure.
There were maps of places I hadn't even heard of,
Charts and graphs and interesting facts and many more.
I had to go these places,
Make sure the pictures didn't lie.
I want to thank that person,
Who got me the book,
Because without that
Big, blue book
I never would have seen the world.

A Family Trip- Free Verse

A trip up to Alaska was a lot of fun and my family came too.

Warm beaches and parks are my favourite,
But this old house will do.
Trapped up in Alaska,
In this old house.

This house has
broken bricks,
cracked tiles and more.
I still have a great time
Trapped up in Alaska,
In this old house.

Warmed by the flickering fire,
Making some smores and
Telling stories until our throats hurt.
This is fun, we must come back
Trapped up in Alaska,
In this old house.

Monday 2 April 2012

Bright Firework Coming My Way- Free Verse

This poem is about friendships. Although this has nothing to do with traveling around the world, friendships do travel as well. Some friends will travel with you for awhile and leave for a new journey. Others will seem like they will never leave, but they do. But, TRUE friends will travel with you forever.They will stay with you through cold days and warm, stormy weeks and sunny months.

Find a Destination!